Flowee is based on x principles:
To put it bluntly, there are 3 types of frameworks :
.1 framework which use conventions on how to write classes. functions and filenames. .1 frameworks which come with massive configurationfiles (modeldriven). .1 frameworks which do both
Flowee reads its configuration from a popular jsonformat called SWAGGER (the jsonmodel). This json model is being monkeypatched / decorated with flowee-specific data.
When flowee starts, it reads your model, which gets monkeypatched during init()
After that flowee :
GET /model
which serves the generated model./model.generated.json
You can inspect that, and copy/paste/modify generated settings into your own model.
Extensions don't assume you know how to configure them, so they'll automatically monkeypatch your model. For example flowee-auth will monkeypatch your model with default passport-configurations.